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2021 Admissions into International Master Program in Energy and green hydrogen Technology (IMP-EGH):

Specialty: Green hydrogen production, water resources and Technology


  1. Background

The West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) under the sponsorship of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is pleased to announce application for its Interdisciplinary Master Program in Energy and green hydrogen (IMP-EGH)in all fifteen (15) ECOWAS countries partners namely:Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Conakry, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.

WASCAL is a wholly West African international organization with focus on academic and transdisciplinary research, building graduate-level scientific capacity and serving policy makers in West Africa with science-based advice on adaptation to climate change impacts and land use management. It cooperates with many agencies and universities in the region, providing a knowledge platform of excellence for its partners. WASCAL is funded by BMBF, multilateral and bilateral partners and its West African member countries.

The Interdisciplinary Master Program in Energy and Green Hydrogen (IMP-EGH) is innovative for the West African region and it is designed to prepare the next generation to address the energy challenges of adaptation and resilience to climate change in West Africa. The program interdisciplinary approach will allow a better understanding of present-day energy infrastructures in West Africa, their strength and weaknesses, energy policies, practices in a changing climate context and the search for sustainable solutions.


  1. Missions

The mission of this program is to provide training on state-of-the-art tools used in renewable energy, green hydrogen technology and policy (politics) with the view of forming adequate human resources to boost the sector of energy technology and guide policy formulation across the region.


  1. Objectives

The main objective of this Master is to prepare and train a new generation of interdisciplinary professionals capable of proposing adapted solutions to ongoing energy crisis. Therefore, Graduates will be well skilled in order to jointly fulfill the two following points:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the science related to a changing climate and global warming, knowledge of the impacts of climate change, vulnerability of natural systems and the built environment, and methods for adaptation;
  • develop a comprehension of energy production, delivery, and consumption for both traditional systems and sustainable energy alternatives with special emphasis on energy efficiency, energy management and local available renewable energy.
  • Identify and develop methods for the production and valorization of green energy (biogas and biofuel) from biomass.
  • Identify and popularize the methods of production and valorization of green energy (hydrogen) from water resources.


  1. Employment opportunity

Graduates of the master H2 with the specialtyGreen hydrogen production, water resources and Technologywill be immediately operational in various fields of renewable energy production. In the private sector, all agro-industries will be able to use their knowledge to transform their residues and other agricultural waste into energy.

They will be the first human resources for electrolysis factorys of Water Resources in clean and renewable energy (hydrogen)


  1. Eligibility criteria

Interdisciplinary Master Program in Energy and Green Hydrogen (IMP-EGH) is open to students:

  • from partner countries in West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissao, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.)
  • with a minimum background of a B.S. degree or equivalent in scientific discipline or in engineering. Candidates with technical strengths in physics, chemistry, electrical, statistician economic or mechanical engineering or equivalent are required
  • with no more than 35 years old at the end of december 2021.
  • Having a good English proficiency will be an asset for final selection
  • Females candidates are highly encouraged to apply



6. Outline of the program

The Interdisciplinary Master Program in Energy and Green Hydrogen is a well-structured program consisting of three (3) semesters of taught courses, lab activities, field visits and interaction with stakeholders and one (1) semester intended to the student field work, thesis research, final write up and defense.


6.1. Training

The training includes modules divided into semesters and specified in the following way:








Semester 1

  • Physics of solids and fluids
  • Semiconductor, electrical and electronic engineering
  • Thermodynamics
  • Electrochemistry
  • Atmospheric Sciences
  • Climate Change and sustainable development










Semester 2

  • Conventional energy and Energy security
  • Renewable Energy
  • Green Hydrogen
  • Renewable energy (RE) Technologies and Applications
  • Energy systems and infrastructure
  • Energy Policy and Market








Semester 3

  • Energy recovery of biomass
  • Research methodology
  • Water resources and hydrogen produced




Semester 4

  • Master Thesis



6.2 Research

Semester 4 is devoted to research to energy and green hydrogen Policy in Germany

Phase 1: Writing and validation of the research project

Phase II: Field study

Phase III: Internship in Germany

Phase IV: Final writing of the Master Thesis

Phase V: Master Thesis defense and graduation in University Félix Houphouët-Boigny

7.Working Language


8. Application procedures

  • Form duly filled, scanned, and sended to require address
  • Curriculum Vitae signed with information about relevant experience and professional training
  • Cover letter
  • Two (2) reference letters, one of whom should preferably be from the undergraduate lecturer in the equivalent science discipline or in engineering; preferably one letter from an academic and one from a former employer precise availability of the candidate for the all period of master program. Reference letters must be written in English or French and must be signed / stamped
  • Passport copy or national identification card
  • Certified copies of diplomas and transcripts (Baccalaureate to Bachelor)


9. Selection procedures

  • Only short listed candidates will be notified for interviews (4 per country)
  • Interviews will be done in English by a committee
  • Final selection: one student per country will be selected for

Green hydrogen production, watter resources and Technology


  • A scholarship letter will be send to the selected candidate by WASCAL Headquarter


10. Self-funding

Those who will not be selected but they wish to take the courses will be able to do so as a free listener. Costs will be specified later.

11. Duration
24 months

12. Scholarship and research support

  • Scholarship: 250 Euros per month
  • Research Budget
  • Travel ticket for language courses in Cape Coast or Lomé
  • Travel Ticket to Germany
  • Tuition

Applications must be submitted to:of

Start date of Call for application:March 1st, 2021

Deadline for applications:April 30th , 2021

Note:The number of admitted applicants will be limited to 15 students.


Programmes d'études supérieures

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Ex ESIE Bingerville.Pole scientifique Universite felix Houphouët boigny Abidjan

Tel:  (00225) 20 40 36 93
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